Current Downtown Planning Efforts and Context

Handout Content

The City of San José adopted the Diridon Station Area Plan (DSAP) in 2014 to guide the development of the 250 acres surrounding Diridon Station on the western edge of downtown. Since the plan’s adoption, several things have changed and projects are underway to implement the DSAP’s vision. From fall 2019 through 2020, the City is engaging the public on the following projects, as part of a planning process - building upon previous community input. To learn more about the engagement process, please visit the Diridon Station Area Plan + Google Project page at

Aerial map overlay of Diridon Station Area and Google Development Project

Aerial map overlay of Diridon Station Area and Google Development Project

Google Development Project

  • Google Project Proposal + Environmental Impact Report (EIR): The City is reviewing Google’s proposal for a mixed-use development project. The review process includes preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

  • Development Agreement: The City is also negotiating a Development Agreement, which will include a Community Benefits Plan.

  • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): The City adopted a MOU with Google on December 4, 2018 to guide this project.

Please refer to for more information about the City’s review process. Google’s project website:

Diridon Station Area Amendments + Area-wide Studies

  • Diridon Station Area Plan (DSAP) Amendments: The City is initiating changes to the DSAP to adapt the plan to current circumstances and align it with other plans.

  • Area-Wide Studies: The City is also preparing an Affordable Housing Implementation Plan and a Parking Study for the Diridon Station Area, as well as analyzing potential infrastructure financing strategies.

  • Environmental Review: The process will involve compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

Related Projects

There are several separate but related projects that affect the Diridon area but have their own engagement processes. The City will ensure coordination between these projects, the Google Project and City-initiated Diridon Station Area Plan (DSAP) work.

In addition, there is a range of other private development projects happening within the Diridon Station Area. These projects include mixed-use, office, and high-density affordable housing projects. Visit for information on individual projects.

Aerial Map overlay of City Efforts, Transit Projects, Downtown Projects, and Private Development Projects

Aerial Map overlay of City Efforts, Transit Projects, Downtown Projects, and Private Development Projects

Transit Projects

  • BART Phase II Extension to Silicon Valley: VTA is preparing to begin construction on four new stations, including one at Diridon Station.

  • Caltrain Business Plan: Caltrain is studying future service levels and infrastructure needs for their entire corridor.

  • High-Speed Rail Project: The California High-Speed Rail Authority is conducting environmental review for the San Jose-Merced project section.

  • Diridon Integrated Station Concept Plan: The California High-Speed Rail Authority, Caltrain, VTA, and City of San José are developing a plan to redesign Diridon Station, in order to serve more passengers, incorporate new transit services (BART, high-speed rail, and electrified commuter rail), and more effectively integrate with the surrounding neighborhood.

Downtown Projects

  • Downtown Transportation Plan: The plan will include recommendations for improving access, circulation, wayfinding, and street life downtown.

Citywide Efforts

  • Anti-Displacement: Staff is developing strategies to preserve and protect residents and small businesses from involuntary displacement.

  • Commercial Linkage Fee: The City will consider establishing a fee on new commercial development to provide additional funding for affordable housing

Community Meeting Board Content

Diridon Station Area Context

Aerial Map of Google, Diridon Station Area, Downtown, and Station specific plans with descriptions

Aerial Map of Google, Diridon Station Area, Downtown, and Station specific plans with descriptions


  • Diridon Integrated Station Concept Plan


  • Mixed-Use Development Project

  • Development Agreement


  • Downtown Transportation Plan

Diridon Station Area

  • Diridon Station Area Plan Amendments

  • Parking Study

  • Affordable Housing Implementation Plan

  • Infrastructure Financing Plan

Regional map of Diridon Station Area

Regional map of Diridon Station Area

Guest UserFall 2019