Diridon Integrated Station Concept Plan

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+ What is the Diridon Integrated Station Concept Plan?

Electrified Caltrain, BART, and High-Speed Rail service will add to the trains, buses, and light rail that currently serve San José Diridon Station. The City of San José has also adopted plans for substantial transit-oriented development near the station, which would bring thousands of new jobs and residents to the area. With these changes, Diridon Station is poised to become one of the busiest intermodal stations on the West Coast. The California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA), Caltrain, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the City of San José (Partner Agencies) are working together on a plan to expand and redesign Diridon Station. The goal is to develop a world-class center of transit and public life that provides smooth connections between modes and integration with the surrounding neighborhoods.

+ What will the concept plan include?

The Concept Plan includes two components:

  1. A spatial configuration that shows how the various track and station elements will fit together and relate to the surrounding neighborhood
  2. A governing structure to effectively deliver the shared vision for the station and operate it over the long-term.

The Concept Plan primarily addresses the station and its interface with the urban fabric. The major elements include the:

  • tracks and platform configuration;
  • station location and layout;
  • access to the station by various transportation options (such as walking and bus);
  • integration with the surrounding area; and
  • passenger flows to, from, and through the station.

The Concept Plan focuses on the functionality of the station, rather than its architectural appearance. Later phases of work will include detailed design and engineering, as well as environmental review. The Concept Plan is not planning for the specific land uses or buildings in the area; however, the City of San José will conduct separate engagement activities related to future development.

+ How can I get involved?

The Partner Agencies have prepared an Outreach Strategy to:

  • Inform and educate the public about the project and decision-making process
  • Encourage active public participation by a broad range of the community
  • Gather feedback for the Partner Agencies to consider during preparation of the Concept Plan
  • Foster a sense of pride and collective ownership in the ultimate vision for the station established by the Concept Plan

See Upcoming Events and Other News below for information on public meetings that have been scheduled. Visit the Contact page to sign up for email updates or submit a comment. You may also email your questions to Eric Eidlin at **eric.eidlin@sanjoseca.gov**.


Additional engagement opportunities will be added when scheduled

+ What Public Engagement Activities Have Been Completed So Far?

The Diridon Integrated Station Concept Plan Public Engagement Archive page includes a complete list of engagement activities completed between Fall 2018 and Spring 2020.

+ How can I learn more about the Concept Plan?

Project Updates
